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Daily Devotions/Prayers

 Daily Prayer

SUPPLIES: Candle, Incense, Piece of food of any kind, Water, grape juice or wine

NOTES: Visualize or imagine a gleaming and warm light in and around you. The light can be any colour you wish

1) Light the candle and say ;

 “ I light this candle to remind me that the light of the  

All-Mother is always with me.”

2) Light the incense and say;

“ I light this incense to remind me that the beauty and holiness of the All-Mother is always with me”

3) Eat the food and say;

“ I imbibe this nutrition to remind me that the All-Mother will always provide for me.”

4) Drink the drink and say;

“ I partake of this drink to remind me that the All-Mother will always provide for my health and happiness.”

Finish the prayer by reciting the following

I Enter The Protective Light Of The All-Mother

Let No Harm Come To Me , Let Only Good Come To Me.

Let The Light, Love, And Protection Of The All-Mother Come Into Me.

Let Only Peace And Joy Emanate My Soul.

Let Only Prosperity And Health Come Into My Life Through The Light Of The All-Mother.

Let Words Of Praise, Glory And Thanksgiving Of The All-Mother Utter Forth From These Lips When The World Surrounds Me To Oppress And Try Me.

Let The Light Of The All-Mother Surround Me, Protect Me.

So Shall It Be

Alternate version

I surround myself with the protective energy/light of the All-Mother

Let no harm come to me

Let only health and happiness come to me

Let only prosperity and joy come to me

Let only light and peace fill my heart

Protect me from those wishing or doing me harm

Give me strength and calm to get through the day

Hail and praise be to the All-Mother

In perfect love and perfect trust

Hail and praise be to the All-Mother

Blessed are her children

Mealtime Prayer

Let us be thankful for the bounties that the earth, waters, sky, the sacrifice given by the living creatures we take into us for sustenance and the hard work provided by all.

Hail and praise be to the All-Mother

Blessed are her children

 Reflect, Resolve, Repent 

(This particular prayer (exercise) can be done daily, weekly, monthly or as you see fit)

I come to you All-Mother  to bare my soul, to ask for your strength in order to overcome my weaknesses. To reflect on my words and deeds, and then to resolve any wrong doings that I may have consciously, or unconsciously done to myself or others, and sincerely repent on such actions, so that I may move forward in my souls journey. 

Hail, and praise be to the All-Mother

Blessings be upon her children

-- You will then spend time on each action
